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Bootstrap a cluster with Terraform


  1. Add terraform files to .gitignore

```sh cat << EOF >> .gitignore .terraform/ .tfstate .lock.hcl .zip *.ova .env .envrc

modules/terraform-vsphere/ archive/ EOF ```

  1. Review ./ and module examples and customize configuration as needed. Remember that we'll substitute secret environmental variables in.

  2. Update .envrc with secrets

```sh # these variables should be known from VCSA installation cat << EOF >> .envrc # vars for govc export GOVC_URL="vsphere-ip-or-hostname" export GOVC_USERNAME="" export GOVC_PASSWORD="changeme" export GOVC_DATACENTER=Homelab export GOVC_INSECURE=true

# vars for '' export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_USER="" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_USER_PASS="changeme" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_SERVER="" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_DC="" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_VMRP="Cluster/Resources/poolname" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_VMFOLDER="folderna e" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_DATASTORE="datastore/dsname" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_VMTEMPLATE="ubuntu_2004-k8s-nodhcp" export TF_VAR_VSPHERE_PORTGROUP="DPortGrp-name" export TF_VAR_DNS='["", ""]' export TF_VAR_DOMAIN="" export TF_VAR_GATEWAY=""

export TF_VAR_CTRL_IPs='["", "", ""]' export TF_VAR_WORK_IPs='["", "", ""]' export TF_VAR_KUBE_VIP=""

export TF_VAR_NODE_USER="username" export TF_VAR_NODE_PASS="changeme" export TF_VAR_SSH_ID="ssh-rsa IamANsshKey12345==

export TF_VAR_ANSIBLE_HOSTS_FILE="./ansible/inventory/cluster/host.ini" export TF_VAR_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_DIR="./ansible/playbooks" export TF_VAR_KUBECONFIG=$(expand_path ./kubeconfig)

EOF ```

  1. Update template file with non-secret info (machine specs, IP addresses. etc)

  2. Source environmental variables

```zsh # reload all env variables direnv allow .



Run terraform commands

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply  # -auto-approve

Terraform will

  1. Provision VMs on vSphere
  2. Create a hosts.ini file based on inventory.tmpl which is then used by Ansible


NOTE: Terraform expects it will be used to manage all infrastructure changes. To update currently 'managed' deployment:

  1. Run terraform plan against the updated file. plan will warn if the change will require destroying/reprovisioning a replacement host
  2. Run terraform apply to execute


To tear down terraform-managed infra, run:

terraform destroy  # -auto-approve